
this is where I think I'll put hyperlinks?

Hello! My name is Kalina :3

Hello! Welcome to my personal website!

The purpose of this website is for mostly self expression and learning code through a passion project. It's not really a professional portfolio, but a personality portfolio! She will be filled with what I'm currently watching, wearing, and thinking. I have started this website the beginning of my freshman year as an undergraduate computer science student.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me! I can't wait to grow as a developer and person :3 Click the links on the side to navigate my website. A lot of these buttons are ... wishful thinking. So apologies if they don't work yet. But they so will. Trust.

recent updates!

10.15.23 Finally got the tabs to work for my blog, as well as the horizonal scrolling!

11.28.23 I'm currently working on building a comment section for my blog, that would be very very fun! Time to learn phppp


  • be fun
  • be silly